Christian Wilde breaks in new gay porn star Jacob Tyler

August 13, 2012 · Posted in 1 dollar trials, Naked Sword · Comments Off on Christian Wilde breaks in new gay porn star Jacob Tyler 

Christian Wilde fucks Jacob Tyler

Christian Wilde is by no means new to gay porn, that much I think we all know. This dude is famous the world over for his handsome good looks, his rough boy image and his intense lust for cock and ass on film.

But new gay porn star Jacob Tyler is a total newbie to hardcore action like this, and Naked Sword have arranged to break him in with real style!

The guy is just starting out in the gay porn world, but from the look of his very first on-screen fuck he’s gonna be back for a hell of a lot more.

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Muscle jocks fuck – Christian Wilde and Marc Dylan

April 1, 2012 · Posted in 1 dollar trials, Man Royale · Comments Off on Muscle jocks fuck – Christian Wilde and Marc Dylan 

Christian Wilde fucks Marc Dylan

You might not have seen a lot of this action out there on the net yet, but I’m so glad I found the new Man Royale site, because this one is packed with some of the hottest and hardest action I think I’ve seen for a while!

It’s not that often I really get into a new site like this one so easily, but after watching some of their muscle jocks fuck, like Marc Dylan taking the hard shaft of the inked Christian Wilde in this video, I know it’s gonna be on one of the major hardcore gay porn sites in the coming years.

Join Man Royale for just one dollar

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